Rest in Peace NDP Labour Party

by Kiri Vadivelu | 1 min. read politics

NDP Singh propped up the failing Liberals at most crucial time in Canadian history

New Democratic Party of Canada (NDP) represented more than 85 percent of Canadians who were wage earners in the country. The orange colour even visible at night became a household symbol in early 1960 when workers were building the country after double world wars.

Liberal NDP unification
Liberal NDP Unification | © Kiri Vadivelu

Officially, Canada has lost one and only left political party that suppose to represent the issues of all workers. NDP Singh propped up the failing Liberal Party at the most crucial times in Canadian history. The joint venture achieved nothing for Canadians but betrayal of working class people.

The extraordinary silence of NDP during COVID19 crisis made many workers be exploited at the hands of big corporations. Challenges were compounded when those workers lost income only to be dragged through legal system to face eviction. Not only NDP lost its roots but revealed where the party stood the whole time, politically.

More than 85 percent of the Canadians depends on paycheque while the one percent owns everything; guarded by the 4 percent ruling class. Where did people go wrong and why have all workers left to hold the bag? Politics. Divide and conquer, a strategy that never failed to be tested.

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