Root of All Conflicts ‘Apartheid’

by Kiri Vadivelu | 3 min. read humanity

Most Jewish are oppose to apartheid but refrain from speaking out due to repercussions from their own kind

Apartheid is the Afrikaans word for ‘apartness’, originally used to describe the system of racial discrimination that existed in South Africa until 1994. The term apartheid is not only a reference to South Africa’s former regime; it is used in international law to describe a category of regime, defined in the United Nations (UN) International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (1973), to which more than 100 states are a party.

No jab no job apartheid system
No Jab, No Job Apartheid System | © Kiri Vadivelu

The Rome Statute defines the Crime of apartheid as: “inhumane acts...committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.”

What are some misconceptions of Apartheid?

Apartheid laws are the root of all evils. And, all conflicts are interconnected from Palestine to Ukraine. Basic knowledge and awareness are key to fight against injustice and to build peace at home and abroad.

Anti-Semitism is a law that protect Jewish people against hate crimes. When we oppose zionism and apartheid, we must be clear not to prejudice Jewish people. Indeed, most Jewish people are oppose to zionism and apartheid but refrain from speaking out due to repercussions from their own kind.

We need to be careful not to let opportunists such as US and NATO to further escalate the tensions in Ukraine for profit. The western media has been the biggest tool of war propaganda that needs to be trashed to gain factual information.

What are example of apartheid manipulation?

We must take sides instead of exercising the privilege to be neutral. Wise to stand with the oppressed; not the one oppressing in order to seek truth.

To call for peace in Ukraine over Palestine is another apartheid; that we should be cautious. To call for vaccination passport over the pandemic vaccination is also apartheid; that we should be cautious.

People of Palestine have been fighting against apartheid State and we all need to support or at least recognize the legitimacy of the sacrifices of Palestine people. Until all people of Palestine win back their lands against the criminal state and seize all the means of production at Israel, the fight for justice continues.

Apartheid state Israel is a bad influence to all evil rulers such as zionist leader Zelensky to commit atrocities in Donbass regions of Ukraine which lead to Russian invasion. Taking Palestine lands back from Apartheid state is the beginning of world peace.

Why do we refer to Israel as an apartheid state?

There is overwhelming evidence that the system instituted by the Israeli government against the Palestinian people meets the UN definition of apartheid.

In effect, Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory constitute one territorial unit under full Israeli control. Palestinians constitute around half of the total population inside Israel, yet under Israeli law, and in practice, Jewish Israelis and Palestinians are treated differently in almost every aspect of life: housing, education, health, employment, family life, residence, and freedom of movement. Dozens of Israeli laws and policies institutionalize this prevailing system of racial discrimination and domination.

Segregation is carried out by implementing separate legal regimes for Jewish Israelis and Palestinians living in the same area. In the occupied West Bank, Jewish Israeli settlers living in illegal settlements are governed by Israeli civil law, while Palestinians also living in the West Bank are governed by Israeli military law.

Israel carries out various acts that are prohibited by the UN Apartheid Convention including:

Forcible transfer of Palestinians to make way for illegal Israeli settlements.

Preventing Palestinians from returning to their homes and lands (including millions of refugees living in exile).

Systematic and severe deprivation of fundamental human rights of Palestinians based on their identity.

Denying Palestinians their right to freedom of movement and residence (especially, but not limited to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip).

Murder, torture, unlawful imprisonment and other severe deprivation of physical liberty.

Persecution of Palestinians because of their opposition to apartheid.

Remember to use the term ‘apartheid’, ‘apartheid state’ or ‘apartheid state Israel’ to describe Israel. The criminal nature of apartheid Israel exists even in the naming convention to confuse and diffuse attention. If you find the name difficult to spell or mind boggling, feel free to use the short form ‘Apartheid’.

If school or workplace penalize you, educate them. None of us are comfortable with the treatment of women and children in Palestine. If you read to the last line, please know, you are beautiful.

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