Mutation of Toxic Racism in Ukraine Crisis

by Kiri Vadivelu | 1 min. read race

Racism mutates to exist in more acceptable, subtle and unconscious manner in modern society

According to Oxford, racism is a prejudice, discrimination or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.

Racism evolves to become toxic racism
Racism Evolves to Toxicity | © Kiri Vadivelu

In most parts of the world, humans have evolved to know that racism is false believe system based on lack of social and cultural awareness. But, why does racism continue to exist and influence personal and policy decisions? Like COVID, racism mutates.

The racism does not always have to originate from negative connotation. Indeed, the racism exists because of positive mutation. Racism mutates to exist in more acceptable, subtle and unconscious manner in modern society.

An example of positive mutation of toxic racism is selective expression of empathy. For instance, expressing condolences to loss of lives in Ukraine over Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Libya or Yemen is a positive mutation of racist behaviours.

The real change comes from understanding the root cause of racism. Racism is an integral part of violent colonial capitalist economy. The key is that we need to be careful when someone compliments or express grief, elements of racism needs to be sanitized before interaction.

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