Deception is Disgust; Not Intelligence

by Kiri Vadivelu | 1 min. read law

Entirety of legal system that thrives on deception and violence is a disgrace to democratic society

Deception is an action of deceiving someone for one’s benefit. Historically, legal system is created to make sure those cannot speak to have their voices heard and rights protected. Today, justice system is built on deception to protect the criminals; hence, criminal justice system.

Edward Snowden and Julian Assange
Edward Snowden and Julian Assange | © Kiri Vadivelu

Court is a place where victim go for justice; however, colonial courts do not preserve justice. The entirety of legal system that thrives on deception and violence is a disgrace to democratic society. Truth does not win cases; nor judge knowing lies protect the innocent.

To study law, one does not require intelligence but the ability to deceive opponent or tinker colonialism for the benefit of corporate interest. Only one universal language that provides such tools of deception is English. Without English, legal framework built on the core of zionism would fall apart.

For instance, an American citizen Edward Snowden concerned about civil liberties of fellow Americans is considered a criminal. Likewise, an Australian citizen Julian Assange exposed the crime as evil. No one is free till both innocent global citizens are freed from actual criminals.

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